Friday, July 19, 2013

Outfits I Love

I know there's been a lack of posts here lately, sorry about that. I first was too busy with my summer grad school classes ending to blog (I finished on Wednesday- hooray!) and then this past week I've been volunteering at Vacation Bible School at my church all week, where I had to wear the same blue t-shirt every day. Not exactly worth blogging about... you know? Anyway, things should be back on track now. I am on a break from grad school classes until the end of August, which means you'll see a lot more casual outfits from me. But hey, it's summer! I'll still be doing my internship with the little ones two days a week, though, so I'll at least be dressing nicer for that.

Since I don't have any outfit posts to share this week, I thought I'd share with you some of my favorite outfits I've created on polyvore lately. As I've mentioned before, all of these are made up from the exact or similar to pieces that I own, so I plan to wear them all eventually. Feel free to pin if you feel so inspired!

lace dress and denim jacket

cozy little black dress

black maxi and denim jacket

mustard and stripes

mint and polka dots

summer black and purple

orange and blue


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